Hello friends: I want to talk to you about toxic chemicals which are so harmful for our pets. Please learn about it, and try to keep your pets safe, it is very important. Here is a list of some of the most dangerous chemicals for your pets:
Antifreeze, Paint Thinner, medications for you are not exactly the correct medicines for your pets. That is why we have veterinarians who specialize in pets and trained to help you with your dog problems. Careful with those household products they can be harmful too, never give your pets chocolate is harmful for them, alcohol, avocado, candies, gum, grapes and raisins can cause kidney failure in your pets, Xylitol can cause seizures.
Always be careful what you have around the house, you don't want to loose your dear pet.
Please visit Simuel Beckwith's link: http://www.petprotector.org/opportunity?ID=30872
He has been working very hard to protect animals. You can find him in Linkedin, visit his link and learn more about what he is doing for pets, thanks for stopping by. If you have any question, please leave it here and I will make sure to get it to Simuel.